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New # 3 - A New Song
Our response to God's work in our lives should be a joyful proclamation of His goodness.
A New Song #3
Isaiah 42:1-12
1. What’s your favorite song? Why is it your favorite song?
2. Verses 1-4; declare the coming of “The Servant” What aspects of Jesus described here stand out the most to you?
3. Verses 5-9 records God speaking, how many times does God reference Himself? What does God reveal about His actions and His character in these verses? Why is that important?
4. Verses 10-12, is an exhortation to praise God for who He is, and what He has done, How are you regularly praising God?
5. Read Colossians 3, how does Paul exhort the Church, in this passage? How does this chapter mirror Isaiah 42? Why do you think singing is an emphasis in both passages?
Our response to God’s work in our lives should be a joyful proclamation of His goodness.
-Write down how you have seen God work in your life
- Find ways to joyfully express praise to God