Sunday Worship Service 2.9.25
A New Covenant #5
Isaiah 55:1-9
1. "What’s the best bargain you’ve ever struck?"
2. Write about your needs. How do your needs compare to the needs described in this passage?
3. God pleads with His people to listen to Him, describe how you actively are listening to God? What has He told you recently? How are you obeying Him?
4. God has built on His covenantal promises through history, how is Jesus the completion of all the previous covenants?
5. Being part of God’s eternal covenant is a limited time offer; how does this fact impact how you embrace the gospel? How does this fact impact how you share the gospel?
God invites us to respond to His grace and mercy through a new covenant.
-Make sure you have accepted God’s eternal covenant
-Meditate and memorize on what God has provided for you
- Actively Share the limited time offer